In my experience, the top tier of Gedolim never occupied themselves with this topic. Only the level 2 wannabes and some Mesivta Rebbeim.

The idea that the frum world rejects goyishe music as a shita is like saying the frum world rejects long sheitels as a shita. Lots of noise, but no substance.

The goyishe music scene is, of course, unacceptable. Correctly, no Yeshiva can tolerate its talmidim as music devotees, fans, or groupies.

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The intro and interlude of 'It's what I believe' from Journeys III sounds quite similar to the intro of 'Piano man' by Billy Joel.

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Do I know more!? There's tons!

Here's two great places to start:



Frankly, including Country Yossi, Shlock Rock, AKA Pella, Maccabeats, Six13, or even Uncle Moishy are kind of unfair because those are explicitly parodies. It's the MBD ones that are surprising.

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